Project Timeline

solar farm monitoring gunning icon


  • 100% 100%
solar farm workforce icon gunning

Development Approval

  • 80% 80%
rural solar panel array gunning

Project Progress

  • 20% 20%
Gunning Solar Farm Project Site

Project Information

Gunning Solar Farm is a 250MW (solar farm) + 150MW (battery) solar project to be located approximately 12km south west of Gunning in the Southern Tablelands region of New South Wales.


gunning solar farm project southern tablelands NSW

Community Engagement

Canadian Solar is dedicated to supporting communities in which it operates. Please reach out if you are interested in getting involved or own a business that could provide some of our service needs.

gunning solar farm construction news

Latest News

Keep up to date with the progress of the Gunning Solar Farm development.

carwarp solar farm

Get in Touch

Do you have any questions about our project? Please send a message to our team.